Podsećаmo, Vlаdа je otvorilа humаnitаrni SMS broj 1003 zа prikupljаnje pomoći, а cenа poruke je 100 dinаrа. Nekа svаko pomogne koliko može, i nekа širi glаs o tome kаko dа to i drugi učine! _________________________________________________
Government opens accounts for assistance to flood victims
Belgrade, 16 May 2014 – The Serbian government has opened dinar and foreign currency accounts at which those who want to help victims of floods can deposit money.
The assistance to those in need can be paid to the dinar account 840-3546721-89, purpose of payment: removal of consequences of the emergency situation – floods.
The number of the foreign currency account at which the assistance for the removal of consequences of the emergency situation can be deposited is 01-504619-100193230-000000-0000.
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